Competence Assurance Programme (CAP)

What is Competence Assurance

Competence Assurance is a durable and supported management framework to ensure that all roles in the organisation are filled by employees who can discharge their responsibilities, successfully, efficiently and safely at all times and at all locations.

Benefits of a Competence Assurance Programme (CAP) include:

  • License-to-Operate
    Demonstrate to all stakeholders that controls are in place to ensure effective and safe operations with a competent workforce
  • Employee
    Enhanced employability, clarity over the own skill requirements and full ownership of own personal development
  • Managers
    Demonstrate what capabilities they can expect from their workforce
  • Training
    Guidance on what the learning & development needs are for the employees
  • Recruitment
    Guidance on minimum requirements for the recruitment of new employees

Competence Assurance process

Following is a simplified diagram demonstrating the different components of the CAP and their relationships:

Click on the buttons below to read more information


Skill Units Assessment Standards Assessments Personal Development Training Courses Levels of Competence Evidence of Performance Job Profiles Key Skills

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